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“Someone spoke to me every day of my life in my ear, slowly, slowly. He told me: live, live, live! It was DEATH. Jaime Sabines


It seems like a paradox, but if we understand the meaning of that phrase we will learn to live our lives more fully. The problem is that most people prefer not to think about death. They  pretend that it does not exist and many times some of them think that they will live forever. Nothing could be further from reality. Death is the only constant in our life. The only thing we will ALL go through. Accepting this truth automatically leads us to assume ourselves as FINITE beings and it is when we understand this that we begin to enjoy every moment that life gives us. Nobody knows when they will die, so why not enjoy everything around us as if it were our last day on earth. And is not about thinking on death all the time, it is simply assuming it as part of our lives. When we do this, everything we do takes on a different meaning. We enjoy getting up every morning, taking care of our body and our mind. We can then try to do what we like best. Seize the opportunity of saying I love you and take care of those we love TODAY. We must remember that we only have this life, and that it is in this life that we must give the best of ourselves. If we lived forever everything would sooner or later become boring and meaningless. Knowing that one day we are going to die gives meaning to everything we do, so let's take advantage of the fact that we are ALIVE and do things in the best possible way.



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