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"As well spent day brings a good night sleep, so a life well spent brings a happy death." 

Leonardo da Vinci

“Only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth, and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, will we begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we have.” 

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Talking about life and death would seem to talk about two opposite and different things, but it is the understanding that one does not exist without the other, which leads us to live both things more fully. 

Death is the only thing that is certain in this life. If we understand this, we can realize that everything else depends entirely on oneself and how we decide to live our lives. Because DYING is part of the process of LIVING. It is by living that we honor our life and therefore our death. Life and death are part of the same sequence, and if death did not exist, what would motivate us to try to be better? Living forever would not lead to personal growth nor would it lead us to try to enjoy every moment, because all the significant moments of our life would be repeated over and over again. 

You don't have to be afraid of death, you have to have respect for it. If we live in fear of death, what we do is stop LIVING and paradoxically it is as if we accepted our death in advance. You have to take responsibility on living your life. 

Each religion has a different concept of what death is, but most share that in order to cross the threshold of it and transcend it, you have to lead a full life. Because what we do in this life is what will help us after death. In the end, most agree that if you don't act well in this life, death won't take you anywhere, so once again we are faced with the reality that one does not exist without the other. Even if you don't believe that there is life after death, you do believe in death and that is why this life is honored because it is the only one you have. And there is this duality again, one does not exist without the other. 

But why are we so afraid of death? It seems that it has to do with the fear of the unknown. So far no one knows what exists beyond death, no one has come back from it. And it is this fear of the unknown that does not allow us to see what we know, LIFE. We lose ourselves in questioning what will happen when we die instead of concentrating on living in the here and now. Many studies and investigations have shown that people who are not afraid of death and who simply assume it as part of life, are the people who LIVE fully. There are treatises, books, research and many definitions about the meaning of life and death, but I prefer the simplest of all: ONE DOES NOT EXIST WITHOUT THE OTHER. Death can not have any meaning if my life has no meaning. And here the meaning of life and death is the responsibility of each one.


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