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The Bars of Access Sessions in the Universe of Etternitty Life

In the current world, there are various ways of healing. On this occasion, we immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of Access Consciousness, an energetic practice that aligns with the values and mission of Etternitty Life.

Awakening Consciousness: At the heart of the Access tools, we find Paulina Lavín, a passionate and talented Bars of Access facilitator dedicated to helping people expand their consciousness and rediscover their potential. Through gentle touches on 32 specific points on the head, Paulina Lavín activates these bars to release all limiting ideas, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, judgments, and points of view, allowing her clients to experience the possibility of creating a life they love, where they can function from presence. When we are willing to function from greater consciousness, we open the doors to ALL healing.

Access shares a common vision: empowering individuals to live a full and conscious life. Both believe in the importance of remembering that, while we are in this reality, we must seize every moment to grow, heal, and expand our awareness. The Bars of Access sessions pave the way to discover the infinite possibilities that the Universe offers us with practical and transformative tools that we can use to change whatever we wish to change in our lives.

The Bars of Access sessions offer a unique energetic experience that unlocks their potential and allows them to embrace life with ease, joy, and glory.

Conclusion: In the vast universe of Etternitty Life, we find a valuable link with the Bars of Access Therapy, where consciousness and empowerment intertwine. As we dive into the journey of exploring our mortality and embracing life in all its magnitude, the Bars of Access Therapy emerges as a powerful tool to unlock our inner potential and remind us that personal transformation lies in our own hands. It invites us to expand our consciousness, live with fullness, and experience a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. At Etternitty Life, we are thrilled to offer this powerful experience of healing and growth to our clients.

Paulina Lavín

IG infinite.paulina 

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