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Yöntem and the Power of Family Constellations

Hello, I'm Yöntem Yurtsever, and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I started getting interested in family constellations in 2008 and then completed my first training in 2012, followed by specialization programs. In the field of family constellations, I offer both individual sessions (online or in person) and group sessions, sometimes in retreats.


Furthermore, I'm currently continuing my education in the psychology department in English in Turkey.


Since 2012, I have been organizing yoga and family constellation retreats in the most beautiful places in Turkey. These retreats focus on nature, the sea, rest, and healing and can vary depending on the season.


As I initially studied tour guiding at university, I greatly enjoy organizing events and welcoming visitors, providing them with guidance.


I have a deep love for nature, history, and cultural elements, so I thoroughly enjoy organizing family constellation, yoga, and breathing retreats in these beautiful locations. During these retreats, I offer a variety of practices that address the mind, emotions, and body holistically. During my university years, I also developed an interest in contemporary dance, and I have incorporated movements, yoga, sound meditation, and rituals gathered from different traditions into my practices.


Some of these universal rituals come from Japanese culture, various African tribes, Sufism, and the German tradition. Their common goal is to facilitate the process of listening to one's inner voice and letting go of thoughts, emotions, and actions that no longer serve us. I believe that every inner work we do helps us grow. Regular practices accelerate this growth and free us from limited perspectives.


Family constellations are a tool that liberates us from traumas affecting our lives. They offer significant benefits in overcoming blocks created by family relationships and can contribute to improvements in a wide range of areas, from mental and physical health to addiction issues and relationship difficulties. In addition to family constellations, I also organize constellation work for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large corporations.


After individual and group sessions, I stay in touch with clients for 14 days to observe their progress.


Practicing yoga and meditation in nature provides a unique experience that involves a connection with nature, life, and one's inner self. While yoga and meditation can be done anywhere, doing them in an environment where you can perceive the changing processes of nature through your senses offers a completely different experience. Feeling the sunlight on your skin, lying on the earth, experiencing the coolness of the shade, swimming in a river, listening to the changing sounds of the wind through the leaves of trees, and breathing in harmony with all of nature in your surroundings allow you to approach passing thoughts without the agitation and haste of the mind.


These experiences remind us that we are part of a miracle. When in nature, we feel strongly that there is a place for us in this world. In everyday life, we often consider ourselves privileged due to our actions, our minds, our achievements, etc. However, in nature, that sense of privilege fades away, and we find peace. The taste of simplicity and innocence gradually softens our hearts. Tranquility, peace, and gratitude naturally fill our being. We become more transparent in love and unity.


From this perspective, my retreats are opportunities to release energy and fill ourselves with new, pure energies. What makes me happiest is seeing how my events increasingly fill up day by day. Being together and working together creates wonderful energies. I send my love to everyone who has participated in my retreats.





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