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“Dead is only important when it makes us reflect about the value of our own life”.

Andrew Malraux


For many people just thinking about leaving a farewell letter may sound exaggerated or even generate some fear or anxiety on them. This feeling may be due to several factors, including the meaning that each person gives to death. There are people who live in fear of even thinking that one day they may die. There are others who don't even think about it. The experience that each person has about death is what will lead them to decide or even think about leaving a farewell message to their loved ones.

But why is it important to leave a farewell letter or message? Many times death takes us by surprise. If, as in life, we plan to leave all our affairs in order, for when we are no longer here, like our will or what will happen with our social networks, why not think about leaving a message for our loved ones? 

In this message we can tell them everything we want, close circles, ask a forgiveness that we may not ask for in time, forgive someone who hurt us, thank them for everything they gave us.

 This message will be good to those who leave it, because then they will feel that they did not keep anything to themselves and were able to leave a message of love to their family and friends. 

It is even more emotional and good for those who stay, since they receive words of love, affection, forgiveness, or gratitude from the person who left. This is something that family and friends are going to value a lot and that will help them in the already painful moment of loss.

There are no rules for writing a letter or posthumous message. It can be as simple as saying how happy and grateful you are to have lived or as difficult as apologizing to someone you hurt. The only thing that we can tell you is that you give yourself the opportunity to try, we are sure that you will not regret it and that your loved ones will thank you with all their heart that day when you are no longer with them.


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