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¨Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time. It tells us to tell each other now that we love each other. ¨ 

Leo Buscaglia


Learning to say goodbye is very important. It may be that we know that we are the ones who are going to die or that the death of a loved one is approaching. But it may also be that death came as a surprise and a loved one left. For any of these situations you have to be prepared to say GOODBYE. 

If you have the opportunity to say goodbye before the person dies there are things you can do to help the person who leaves and those who stay. 

Give yourself a space to remember all the good times you lived together, bring back memories of laughter or important situations shared. Set aside differences and forgive if there is something that needs to be forgiven. Reminding them of all the love we feel for them, filling them with affection and gratitude for everything they gave us helps a lot at the time of saying goodbye. 

And if death comes without warning and we were unable to say goodbye to our loved one, the same can be done, even if they are no longer physically present. Give yourself a space to think about the good memories we have of that person or sit down to remember them with other family members and friends. Write them a letter where we express everything they meant in our life or simply thank them for how much they gave us. Gratitude is one of the most beautiful ways that exist to say goodbye to someone. If the person who died is someone from whom you were estranged, we can also write to them to try to close all things that remained unresolved, asking for forgiveness and forgiving. 

Learning to say goodbye is part of our life, we do it since we are born. That is why we must try to communicate as well as possible with the people we love, because most of us do not know when the last time we will speak with them will be. Saying I love you and a pardon on time is something we will never regret.

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