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“They always ask me what death is like. I answer that it is wonderful. It's the easiest thing we're ever going to do." Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 

When reading Kübler-Ross's phrase many of us can think what is she talking about? Dying the easiest thing we're going to do? And of course, this would be the thought that most of the people we know would have about these words. Because almost all of us are afraid of death, or if not afraid, we don't like to think or talk about it. 

Why is death the cause of these thoughts? Why are we so afraid of death?
It is the fear of the unknown. No one knows what is after death, no one has returned from it to tell us if it is that wonderful place that many religions tell us about. Death is something we cannot always control. Death make us fear of suffering, either of ourselves or the suffering of losing a loved one.
It is important to understand that the fear of death is common, natural and even necessary. If we were not afraid of death, it is possible that we would expose ourselves to many unnecessary dangers.
Human beings are the only ones who can recognize death and ask questions about it.
It is because of this awareness that we have about it, that if we learn to face the fear that our mortality causes us, we can help ourselves to live better.
There are many cultures, like mexican culture, in which death is taken very naturally, it is talked about, it is part of people's lives and they celebrate it. This helps not to see it as something dark and unknown, but as something that is part of our existence. 

If we accept death as part of our life, we understand that it is something that we are not going to escape from and then we take charge of what we can control, which is OUR LIFE. Working on ourselves to feel proud of who we are and what we have achieved helps to put aside the feelings of anguish that the thought of death brings us. Taking control of our life accepting that sooner or later death will come. 

We have to speak naturally about death, it is there and it will NEVER go away. There is no need to generate taboo around it. If the fear of death is a constant in your life, talk to friends and family about it. Talk about your fears, about what causes you anguish and if this fear is something that does not allow you to LIVE, then seek the help of a professional. This fear can become so strong that an anxiety disorder known as thanatophobia can develop. If death paralyzes your life, you are giving yourself to it before it even knocks on your door. 

With death you don't know, it's that easy. So why not learn to live with it, learn to tolerate the uncertainty of what will happen the day we die. Do not get ahead of yourself, you do not know what will happen in the future, a person can be 80 years old and think that he does not have much time to live and live 20 more years. Enjoy your PRESENT and stop thinking about what will come. 

If death becomes part of your life then you can focus on what really matters. Work on yourself, physically and mentally. Being well with oneself helps to face not only the fear of dying, but many other things.
Death is the only thing we are sure of in life, so let's live using it as a guide to LIVE in the BEST way possible. 


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