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¨Never chase yourself believing that you should feel better by now. Your time is yours. Remember that the worst enemy in dueling is not loving each other. ”

Jorge Bucay 

Coping with the loss of a loved one is not easy at all. The losses that hurt us the most and that can cause us much deeper pain are those of our parents, partner and children. These losses can cause long periods of sadness and depression. All of us, depending largely on our experience of death, react differently. However, most specialists agree that time allows almost all people to overcome grief over the loss of a loved one. There is no equal period of time for every person, but there is an agreement that it can be from 6 months to a year. Sometimes less, sometimes more.

Dr. Eilsabeth Kübler-Ross was the pioneer in developing the stages of grief, which are:

  • Denial
  • Rage
  • Negotiation
  • Depression 
  • Acceptance

Today it is known that those who face a loss, not necessarily experience all or in progressive order, but anyone could pass through any of them.

These phases are experienced by the person who knows that they are going to die as well as the one who has lost a loved one.

There is not an exact formula that leads us to overcome a loss, because as we said before, how we deal with it depends on many factors, but there are certain attitudes and things  that can be useful when facing it.


  • Accept our feelings.

It is normal to feel and experience many feelings and emotions. We have to accept each one of them. Give them their space and time.

  • Talk about the death of the loved one.

Getting together with family and friends to talk about what happened helps a lot in the grieving process. Funerals and memorials are very useful because we can remember the person who is no longer here with stories and anecdotes in the company of the people who love us the most.

  • Maintain a healthy routine.

Sleeping and eating well helps to overcome every day.

  • Remember that we are not alone and seek the support of others who are going through the same thing as you. Don't isolate yourself.
  • Seek emotional support.

Either with the help of a specialist or a psychologist, especially if the person feels that they cannot get by alone.

The most important thing to understand is that mourning is a necessary stage to overcome the loss of a loved one and everyone experience it in different ways. Each person's processes must be respected and supported


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